The Grenadier Mustache Wax
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The Grenadier Premium Mustache Wax
- 100% American Made Natural Ingredients
- Naturally Water And Weather Resistant
- Powerful Forming and Protective Capabilities
- Project Sensibility Through Fragrance Mixtures Unique to BVC
Capable of forming and maintaining the most extreme styles, our mustache wax completes your beard and mustache styling capability. Pocket sized, this wax functions as both a powerful at home shaping tool as well as a mobile corrector of rouge and field weathered hair. Never neglecting long term maintenance, this mustache wax also includes the same unique nine oil blend as our beard balm and oil.
The Grenadier is a vital and unique force multiplier to any fireteam. Bring a little extra attention to today's fight with this noticeably bright combination. The bright flash of orange and cedar essential oils quickly give way to sweet, rich earthiness of patchouli. Noticeable and powerful, this blend is essential for any balanced beard care collection.
Scent Profile: Sweet wood, strong citrus, floral